
Tattoo Removal Treatment

Permanent Tattoo Removal with True Clinic Pico Laser

Discovery Pico laser boasts several advantages for tattoo removal:

  • Efficiency: Compared to traditional methods, the laser breaks down ink particles into much finer fragments. This allows the body to eliminate them quicker, potentially requiring fewer sessions for complete removal.
  • Reduced discomfort: The ultrashort pulses minimize heat transfer to surrounding tissues, making the treatment potentially less painful.
  • Lower scar risk: By minimizing damage to the surrounding skin, Discovery Pico reduces the risk of scarring, a common concern with tattoo removal.
  • Versatility: Adjustable wavelengths allow the laser to target a broader range of ink colors, making it suitable for various tattoo pigments.
  • Potential skin rejuvenation: Some sources suggest the laser might stimulate collagen production, potentially improving skin texture and tone in the treated area.

Book now to get a comprehensive skin analysis before your Tattoo Removal treatment. No payment required for booking.

Why Pico Laser to Remove Tattoo?

Discovery Pico laser offers a potentially superior option for tattoo removal. Its technology breaks down ink particles into smaller fragments compared to traditional methods, enabling the body to remove them faster, potentially requiring fewer sessions.

Additionally, the ultrashort pulses minimize discomfort and scarring risks. The adjustable wavelengths target a wider range of ink colors, and there’s even a possibility of improved skin texture and tone in the treated area due to potential collagen stimulation.

There are several factors that influence the success of tattoo removal

By comparing all those pros and cons, we always choose treatment for our patient base on:

  • Ink Color & Size
  • Tattoo Age
  • Skin Tones & Lifestyle

Discovery Pico laser currently is our main choice for permanent tattoo removal base on it effectiveness, pain level and risk of PIH.

Learn more about Discovery Pico Laser here

Benefits of Pico Second Laser

Body removes ink quicker

Faster Fading

Minimize heat transfer to tissues

Reduced Discomfort

Safe & Efficient

FDA Approval & Certified

Stimulate Collagen Production

Potential Skin Improvement

Our Testimonials

Hear directly from our clients who were able to solve their skin concerns and elevate their skincare thoroughly.

How to book for Tattoo Removal Discovery Pico Laser?

  1. Book an appointment and our customer service team will schedule a session with you
  2. For first-timers, there will be an in-depth skin analysis and consultation
  3. Begin your Pico Laser journey with us and look forward to a clear complexion!

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